Become a MEMBER

The Theosophical Society is a worldwide body whose primary object is Universal Brotherhood without distinction based on the realization that life, and all its diverse forms, human and non-human, is indivisibly One. Seen as revolutionary when it was founded in 1875, the Society draws together those of goodwill whatever their social status or ethnicity. The Mission Statement of the Theosophical Society is:

“To serve humanity by cultivating an ever-deepening understanding and realization of the Ageless Wisdom, spiritual Self-transformation, and the Unity of all Life.”

On this website you will find some of the basic ideas about theosophy. However, the Theosophical Society does not ask its members to adhere to any of these ideas in particular. Members are only expected to be in agreement with the Three Objects of our organization:

  1. To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or colour.
  2. To encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy and science.
  3. To investigate unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in man.

The Theosophical Society in England and Wales is a Registered Charity and the Charitable Objects for the Society are:

For the public benefit to promote moral and spiritual welfare, for the advancement of education, through the promotion and study of Theosophy, and the dissemination of the results of such study to the public.

Members of the Society are united by their search for Truth and by their determination to promote brotherhood between all peoples – of all faiths or of none. The Society strenuously upholds Freedom of Thought and is founded on the basis of the broadest tolerance and the search for truth. A genuine commitment to brotherhood, which is the first object of the Society, is the mark of a truly spiritual person.

Benefits of membership include:

• The fellowship of like-minded people in a worldwide community.
• Theosophical Branches/Lodges nationwide
• Prior invitations to join our conventions
• Programmes of online lectures and study groups
• Access to resources on the members’ area of the website, including an extensive audio lecture library and a many theosophical articles.
• Free hard copies of the theosophical magazine Esoterica.
• Discounts for the Diploma in Theosophy and for many events organised by the Society.

You will also have the privilege of belonging to a tried and tested organisation which has been bringing the Great Esoteric Truths to the Western World for more than 140 years. Theosophy is the Shoreless Ocean of Universal Truth, Love and Wisdom.


We welcome anyone over the age of 10 years who is in sympathy with and Accepts the Three Objects of the Theosophical Society. Young people under the age of Eighteen must have permission from their parent or Guardian.

More about Membership Applications



Anyone over eighteen who is in sympathy with the three objects of The Theosophical Society may apply to become an Associate of Theosophical Society in England and Wales.

  • To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or colour.
  • To encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy and science.
  • To investigate unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in man

Becoming an Associate (£10 per year) will allow you some time to explore theosophy and have access to the Associates Area of the website. You will also have access to forthcoming TSE zoom talks during the time you are registered as an associate and you may take the Diploma in Theosophy at a discounted rate.

Associate registration is not membership, and no voting or other membership rights are conferred during this period, however, for those living in the UK, you can become Member at the end of the maximum of two years.

To become an Associate, please complete and submit the Online Form. On Submit, you will be redirected to PayPal where you can pay by credit card or PayPal.

Alternatively, download the PDF form, complete and sign, then email it to:

Or print and post to:  Headquarters: The Theosophical Society, 50 Gloucester Place, London W1U 8EA.
When you submit your Application, you must also make an online payment or post a cheque or postal order to Headquarters.

Members and former members of the TS in England and Wales are not eligible to become an Associate.

Annual Subscriptions

The Associate Fee of £10 is payable from 1st October each year.  For Associates joining after 30th June, the Annual Fee will not need to be renewed until 1st October the following year, so may remain current for up to 15 months.

Overseas (including Members of other TS Sections)

Individuals living overseas, including members of other National Sections of the Theosophical Society, may register as associates indefinitely.

For enquiries concerning your application, please email or telephone 020 7563 9817.
Alternatively, write to: Theosophical Society in England and Wales, 50 Gloucester Place, London W1U 8EA.


Our International Headquarters is at Adyar, Chennai, 600020 India. International Activities



Diploma in Theosophy

Theosophical Articles