The Theosophical Society is a worldwide community whose primary Object is the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity without distinction, based on the realisation that life and all its diverse forms, human and non-human, is indivisibly One.
Founded in 1875, the Society draws together those of goodwill whatever their religious affiliation (if any), social status, gender or ethnicity. The Society promotes such understanding through the study and practical application of the Ageless Wisdom of Theosophy.
The International Mission Statement of the Society is: “To serve humanity by cultivating an ever-deepening understanding and realization of the Ageless Wisdom, spiritual Self-transformation, and the Unity of all Life. Learn more...
Closure of 50 Gloucester Place
Pending our temporary re-location outside of London, please note that our building is now closed to visitors to allow preparations for the move to go ahead.
Our online activities are unaffected, and we are happy to reply to email, postal or telephone enquiries concerning membership, meetings and general enquiries.
Further information concerning our temporary HQ will be posted when appropriate.
Headquarters: 50 Gloucester Place, London W1U 8EA.
Telephone: 020 7563 9817 (+44 20 7563 9817).
Registered Charity No. 1167737.