Gary Kidgell (North East Scotland)
Tel: 07815557406
Location: North East Scotland
Available for in-person and Zoom / online talks
Gary has studied esoteric teachings for forty years. He is also a professional esoteric or soul-centred astrologer.
Gary has lectured extensively in the U.K. and Europe where has also undertake numerous astrological consultations. He has published two books, ‘The Inner Journey: Pathways to the Higher Self and Greek Hero Myths: Symbols of Transformation’. Gary is currently the Organising Secretary for the Theosophical Society in Scotland and Librarian for the Alex Johnston Library. He is also an Executive Committee Member for the European Federation of Theosophical Societies.
Theosophy/Ancient Wisdom
Principles of the Wisdom Teachings:
A consideration of the fundamental postulates of the Ancient Wisdom. These underlying principles are expounded in detail as a means of offering one insight towards understanding and applying the wisdom teachings in one’s everyday life.
Theosophy and the Inner Journey:
An exposition of the key principles of Theosophy and the relationship between these and the process of spiritual transformation. Ways and means of treading the ‘Jewelled Way’ of Socrates are outlined with an emphasis upon the expression of the energies and qualities of the Soul or higher Self.
Maya: the Veil of the Goddess:
A description of the concept of maya and the challenges and the rewards associated with the overcoming of illusion whereby one may penetrate beyond what H.P. Blavatsky described the ‘Veil of Isis.’
Theosophy and Jung:
A consideration of the pioneering concepts of Carl Jung in the light of the Theosophical paradigm. These include archetypes as ‘divine ideas’ and their representation within the human psyche as symbols; the concept of individuation and its relationship to initiation; the role of the psychopomp as the ‘Guide of Souls’; the anima and animus.
An outline of H.P. Blavatsky’s concept of hylozoism and of how the relationship between spirit and matter is symbolically depicted in various creation myths. This presentation emphasises the importance of our understanding of the ‘living’ nature of our universe whilst outlining ways in which we can attune to the intent of the ‘greater beings’ within which we reside.
A consideration of the cycle of death and rebirth as a means of unfolding the symbolic lotus petals of the Soul or higher Self. This presentation also outlines various religious teachings on reincarnation whilst assessing these in the light of Theosophy.
The Voice of the Silence:
A two-part talk considering H.P. Blavatsky classic poetic manual of spiritual instruction. This presentation draws upon both eastern and western spiritual teachings in considering the depth and value of this immense work.
The Spiritual Path
Pathways to Spiritual Transformation:
An outline of the spiritual path in relation to theosophical and related spiritual teachings. Practices and techniques which can assist one towards expressing the intent of the Soul or higher Self are discussed.
Psychosynthesis and the Spiritual Path:
The transpersonal psychologist Roberto Assagioli employed the term ‘psychosynthesis’ to describe the unification of Soul and personality whereby the latter may serve as an effective spiritual instrument. This presentation considers Assagioli’s concept in the light of Theosophy whilst offering practical ways in which one may effect psychosynthesis.
Soul, Personality and the Rainbow Bridge:
This presentation outlines the relationship between Soul and personality whilst drawing upon an extensive range of spiritual and esoteric teachings to illustrate the process of spiritual transformation. A description of the anthakarana is included together with ways in which one may construct the ‘rainbow bridge’ enabling the personality to be infused with the energies of the Soul.
The Spiritual Path:
This talk describes the spiritual path in term of one unfolding the symbolic lotus petals of the Soul. It considers ways in which one may overcome the challenges of maya or illusion as a means of connecting with the transcendent aspect of one’s being.
The Inner Journey:
Pathways to the higher Self (talk or one day event): A consideration of the spiritual path in the light of Theosophical teachings as outlined by Gary’s book The Inner Journey: Pathways to the Higher Self.
The Grail Quest:
A consideration of the Grail Quest as a symbolic representation of the challenges and the rewards associated with the treading of the spiritual path. When one undertakes the evolutionary journey to the source of one’s being, one effectively becomes a ‘Grail Knight’ entering the Forest of Adventure or inner worlds in pursuit of the sacred vessel which symbolises the higher Self.
Creation Myths:
This presentation considers key themes relating to various creation myths in the light of the wisdom teachings.
Spiritual Transformation and the Heroes of Greek Myth (talk or one/two day event):
This talk or one-day presentation utilises the content of classical esoteric teachings, together with those of Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, and many others, as a means of illustrating how the tests and trials, and the successes and failures encountered by the heroes of Greek myth represent the archetypal challenges and rewards associated with one treading the spiritual path.
Odin, Archetypes and the Runes (talk or one day event):
This presentation relates the Theosophical paradigm to Ygrdrassil, the cosmic ash of Norse myth. There follows a consideration of the nine worlds of Ygdrassil and the quest of Odin to ascertain the secrets of the runes in the light of Theosophy and related teachings.
The Hero Quest:
This presentation outlines the spiritual path as described Theosophy whilst illustrating how this is symbolically depicted by the various hero myths of our world. With reference to the great 20th century student of myth Joseph Campbell, this presentation drasw upon various myths including the Greek myths of Perseus and Heracles and the Norse myth of Odin as a means of describing the archetypal challenges and rewards related to the return journey to the source of our being.
Each of the six presentations below consider the adventures of the Greek hero as a symbolic representation of the treading of the spiritual path. A comparative approach is applied in relating the mythic symbolism found in each myth to the teachings of Theosophy, Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell and others.
Spiritual Transformation and the Myth of Cadmus
Spiritual Transformation and the Myth of Perseus
Spiritual Transformation and the Myth of Heracles (Hercules)
Spiritual Transformation and the Myth of Theseus
Spiritual Transformation and the Myth of Jason
Spiritual Transformation and the Voyages of Odysseus
Archetypes and Symbolism
Archetypes and the Inner Journey:
An outline of Carl Jung’s concept of archetypes as ‘divine ideas’ and their relationship to classical esoteric teachings. This presentation draws upon the symbolism of myth and Rupert Sheldrake’s concept of ‘morphic resonance’ as a means of enhancing one’s appreciation of the archetypes and their instrumental role in the process of spiritual transformation.
Archetypes, Dreams and Symbols:
Carl Jung illustrated how archetype or ‘divine ideas’ are represented within the human psyche as symbols. This presentation illustrates the importance of dream interpretation as a means of obtaining guidance and direction from the higher Self. It also illustrates the value of an understanding of the wisdom teachings towards such ends.
Esoteric Astrology
Soul-Centred Astrology (talk or one/two day event):
Esoteric Astrology serves as a ‘key to the mysteries’ relevant to life in the 21st century. This presentation outlines key methods and techniques of Esoteric Astrology. These include the ascertaining of the purpose of the Soul, and ways in which one may interpret dream symbolism in the light of the astrological natal chart.
Astrology and the Lotus of the Soul:
An outline of the nature and purpose of the Soul and of how esoteric methods of astrological interpretation can assist one towards expressing this. The theory and practice of esoteric astrology is related to that of the wisdom teachings.
Spiritual Significance of the Rising Signs:
Esoteric Astrology informs us that the Soul effectively ‘sounds the note’ of one’s incarnation through the astrological sign found on the eastern horizon at the time of one’s birth – the Rising Sing or Ascendant. This presentation considers the general spiritual purpose relating to each of twelve signs of the zodiac when these are found rising in the natal chart.
The Water Houses and the Unconscious: This presentation considers the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, together with their ruling planets and corresponding astrological houses, and the important role which they play in enabling one to relate to the energies of the unconscious. This is especially relevant to anyone seeking to effect spiritual transformation.
Astrology and the Seven Rays: The Seven Rays are the great ‘universal builders’ who activate, construct and maintain our universe. This presentation considers the relationship between the Seven Rays and the signs of the zodiac and the planets within the esoteric natal chart.
The Labours of Hercules:
A consideration of the Twelve Labours of Hercules and their correspondence to the twelve zodiacal signs and the challenges and rewards presented to the Soul by incarnation in each of these.
Esoteric Psychology of the Seven Rays
The Seven Rays: a Key to the Mysteries (talk or one day event):
The Esoteric Psychology of the Seven Rays represents a contemporary ‘Key to the Mysteries’ which can unite one with the intent of the Soul. This presentation outlines the nature and the effects of each of the seven Rays whilst describing the revolutionary technique of Ray Analysis. This provides one with insight into the purpose of the Soul and ways in which this may be expressed.
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