Ted Capstick (Chester)

Tel: 01244 544 003
Mobile: 07748 436427.
Email: e.capstick@btinternet.com

Location: Chester

Available for in-person and Zoom / online talks




1. An Introduction to Esoteric Psychology.
2. The Three Major Rays of Aspect.
3. The Sixth Ray of Devotion and Idealism
4. The Seventh Ray: Revealer of the New Age.
5. The Influence of the Seven Rays on Humanity.


1. An Introduction to Esoteric Astrology.
2. Medical Astrology.
3. The Planets: how they influence our lives.
4. Esoteric Astrology: The Soul’s Purpose.
5. The Three Crosses in Astrology.


1. Quantum Worlds and the Inner Planes I.
2. Quantum Worlds and the Inner Planes II.
3. Quantum and Conciousness I.
4. Quantum and Conciousness II.
5. The brilliant men behind the story of the Quantum.
6. Quantum Entanglement.
7. Parallel Worlds.


1. A Psychology for the Path of Return I.
2. A Psychology for the Path of Return II.
3. The Rainbow Bridge.
4. Personality Integration.
5. Spiritual development and the battleground d of the Emotions.
6. The Labours of Hercules: An Astrological Journey
7. Meditation at the Full Moon
8. The Path of Krishnamurti
9. The Dweller on the Threshold
10. The Science of the Antakharana
11. Identification, Initiation, and Immortality
12. Mystic and Occultist; the True Nature of the Esoteric
13. Stress Disorders
14. Another look at Reincarnation
15. Embracing the Dragon of Wisdom.
16. Spirit, Soul and Personality ; The Bigger Picture.
17. Maya, Illusion and Glamour.
18. Quantum Physics : Parallel Worlds ?
19. The Astral World and Our Emotional Life Now and Beyond.
20. Working Out Karma in our Daily Lives.
21. Know Thyself!



Contact us

Note:  this form is for the purpose of arranging theosophical talks. 
For any other purpose, Ted should be contacted direct at his personal address.